Google Search ranking bug unrelated to the core update

There is a large, confirmed, Google Search ranking bug that is affecting a large number of search results today. This is unrelated to the last core update, the August 2024 core update, that was announced yesterday at around 11 am ET.

When. This ranking bug was confirmed at around 2 am ET this morning, Google posted:

John Mueller from Google added on “LinkedIn“

When will it be fixed. Google said it will post updates in its search status report over here.

Why we care. If you are seeing ranking changes for your site over the past 24-hours, it is likely unrelated to the recent August 2024 core update and more related to this search ranking bug. The August 2024 core update will take about a month to roll out, but this search bug should hopefully be fixed in the next 24-hours or so.

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October 7 through 10, 2024

This week I will be updating plugins on multiple sites and backing up content. I will also be working on billing reminders for those past