Mon - Thurs: 8:00am - 1:00pm

Unless otherwise indicated

Contact Us

The following information provides details about how to contact us and of when we are available for contact at Communicator Communities. How and when to contact us by phone or by using our convenient “Contact Us” form. Do not send a text message.

Phone Availability/Business Hours

If you are an existing client please email or use the “Contact Us” form before contacting by phone. Unless your have scheduled a call it will most likely go to voice mail. The hours listed below are Central Time Zone hours.
These are the typical hours that I am available by phone, 469-222-5120, unless otherwise noted on the Work Schedule.
Monday through Thursday : 08:00 am – 01:00 pm

Working Hours

Phone Availability, Business Hours, and Working Hours

The Work Schedule  indicates what I will be working on during my Phone Availability/Business hours, which is 20 hours weekly. I also work as an unpaid caregiver to my 97 years old mother-in-law and this takes up most of my daytime.

Most web site maintenance occurs outside of the hours listed above. Web site back ups and and plugin updates tend to be performed in the evenings between 8 pm and midnight central time or until I finish, this tends to be an additional 6-10 hours weekly. This is when I get the majority of my work done.

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